
Visualizzazione dei post da 2014

Make the best out of it

This is not a post with its own topic, rather I feel the need to collect here some small little impressions gathered in my experience in Trondheim as a student. - "You are here and we have to make the best out of it". Last week I went to a Lindy Hop training, just to see it, following a friend with whom I danced West Coast Swing. As soon as I came into, a girl greeted me, offered me snacks, and told me "sorry: I have to go to refill [...], after I come back you can drink it, and I will teach you the basics" (I don't remember the name of the drink, and yes, she told me "sorry" for that). While I was waiting, another girl started teaching me the basics, and when the previous one came back, I drank a bit and we moved further in the Lindy Hop steps. In around 20 minutes I learned relatively a lot, and for free (after, SiT Idrett had to close so we had to leave, since it was 11 in the evening). - Also last week, I saw some led lights on a dog's col


A few days ago I went to a Datasal, a lab with computers and also a lot of space to study on paper next to the monitor. I saw a similar screen two of their computer, and I was pretty amazed They are really watching chess! I saw also one students in my group watching the match during a lecture. It is also commented on NRK 1, the main Norwegian TV channel. Football? No, chess please.

Spare papir

NTNU: Election cabin with laptops for who doesn't want to vote at home, connecting to an internal university made application. Vote for single candidates, not parties. University of Bergamo: people get paid to assist elections and count votes, kilos of coloured sheets, and pencils are used. Room are reserved for elections. Auto-commenting differences. Paper is precious, or not?

It's middag

- Why lots of people are in SiT kafe Hangaren, in Sentralbygget, waiting in a queue? And more students coming? And almost all the tables filled up with students eating hot meals NOW? - Nothing special, it's middag. - Whaat? - Yes, it's 4 o'clock, it's dinner time in Norway. - ... Oh right, I forgot. That's a weird situation when all other people, even some internationals, are eating, and your stomach is still full, and eating was for a time not the little sticky thought in your mind. Det er Norge!